Friday, October 9, 2009

The youngest DTM in Thailand

A few months ago, Chakrit Achawa-Amroong achieved the highest distinction at Toastmasters International. This Distinction is DTM in short and Distinguished Toastmaster in long.

When a person is awarded DTM, it does not mean that the person has perfected his/her own communication skill; but it means the person has also been a leader in helping lots of others to improve their communication and leadership skills.

I can't help but agreeing with Toastmasters philosophy.
Good leaders lead but fantastic leaders build MORE leaders.
Great leaders help others succeed.
Isn't that wonderful?
If you are curious as to what Toastmasters is all about, check it out at then visit a club near you.

Chakrit Achawa-Amroong, the youngest DTM in Thailand, besides working with Thai Airways also organized for Ed Hearn, 2007 Toastmasters' World Champion of Public Speaking to speak in Thailand. Chakrit personally raised fund to publish Children Books about Bhuddism to be distributed for free.
His accomplishments were published in many national magazines.

For free copies of Children Books about Bhuddism,
please contact Petra, DTM at
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1 comment:

  1. It is an interesting course that you have taken. I wish I can have a great opportunity to learn it too.

    By the way, Buddhism suppose to spell like this.
